1 Port Fullrate ADSL AFE>> general discription<< The S5N8951X is Analog Front End IC designed for DMT based universal ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscribe Line) modems with 0.35u fully CMOS technology. It has 25.875 ~ 138kHz Upstream channel and 142.312 ~ 1104kHz bandwidth Downstream channel. The S5N8951X includes AGC, LPF, ADC, DAC. The AGC has 40dB gain 0.4dB step in RX mode and .24dB gain 2dB step in TX mode with 12bit/8bit control bits. Anti alias LPF has 1104kHz passband frequency in RX path and 138kHz in TX path. Samsung’s ADSL AFE chip provides 14bit ADC at 4.416M or 8.832M sample rates and 14bit 4.416MHz, 8.832MHz DAC. An 10bit DAC support VCXO control for timing recovery. The VCXO is divided into a crystal driver at 35.328MHz. Chip is obsolete EOL:11/30/04
web page used to be available at: http://www.samsung.com/products/semiconductor/SystemLSI/Networks/PersonalNTASSP/XDSL/S5N8951/S5N8951.htm
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