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    Ericsson (Ericsson Components Inc. ) : PBM 39705/3

    ARTIC (Analog Receive/Transmit Interface Circuit)

    Ericsson PBM 39705/3 The Ericsson Analog Receive/Transmit Interface Circuit (ARTIC) for DSLAM applications is an analog line driver and receiver circuit providing the driving and terminating functions needed for implementation of an ADSL transceiver. The DSL interface circuit includes line driver, receiver, echo cancellation, termination and programmable gain controllers. The ARTIC line driver serve both full rate ADSL and ADSL lite, according to the ITU recommendations G.dmt and G.Lite respectively, it supports annex A (ADSL over POTS) and annex B (ADSL over ISDN). The ARTIC line driver is designed for CO-applications.
    • Using standard CMOS technologies
    • Seven power modes (0.4W-1W) enables optimized line card power dissipation
    • Typically 0.8W (Vbat = 10V) power dissipation during full rate CO- operation and 0.2W when the device is operating in idle mode
    • Analog echo cancellation (better than 20dB) relaxes the requirements of the DSP and the AD/DA converter
    • A high integration level requires minimum external components and a more robust design
    • 32 pin LQFP package (0°C - 85°C)

    Information used to be available at:
    http://www.ericsson.com/microe/products/fixed_access_applications/xdsl.shtml AND

    Technology: ADSL
    Package: LQFP 32 Pin
    Linux support: No

    external WWW: Ericsson Components Inc. : http://www.ericsson.com/microe/products/fixed_access_applications/xdsl.shtml web page used to be available at: http://www.ericsson.com/microe/products/fixed_access_applications/xdsl.shtml

    external PDF: Ericsson Components Inc. : http://www.ericsson.com/microe/products/fixed_access_applications/pdf/pbm39705_dslam.pdf PDF documentation used to be available at: http://www.ericsson.com/microe/products/fixed_access_applications/pdf/pbm39705_dslam.pdf
    If you are the producer of this chip and want to correct/update the presented information, please feel free to register for direct database access.
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