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  • TI ( Texas Instruments Incorporated ) : AFE1302

    ADSL Analog Front End

    Burr-Brown's Analog Front-End from Texas Instruments reduces the size and cost of an ADSL-compliant system by providing the active analog circuitry needed to connect an ADSL Digital Signal Processor (DSP) to an external line driver, receiver, TX/RX filters, hy-brid, transformer, and POTS filter. The AFE1302 is designed for downstream data rates of 4Mbps and higher, and operation at a clock rate of 35.328MHz, with an output word rate of up to 8.832MWords/s.

    Functionally, this unit consists of a transmit (TX) channel, a receive (RX) channel, a VCXO (Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator) control Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC), and VCXO active circuitry. The TX section converts, filters, and buffers outgoing Discrete Multi Tone (DMT) data from the ADSL DSP. The receive section amplifies, filters, and digitizes the DMT data received on the twisted pair line. This IC operates on a single 5V supply. The digital circuitry in the unit can be connected to a supply voltage ranging from 3.3V to 5V. The chip uses only 570mW.

    The AFE1302 is designed to be used with external amplifiers and filters for noise reduction and dynamic-range improvement.

    The RX channel consists of a low-noise PGA, a switched capacitor low-pass filter, and fourth-order delta-sigma Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC). The delta-sigma modulator operating at a 32X oversampling ratio produces a 16-bit output at word rates up to 8832kHz.

    The TX channel consists of a fourth-order delta-sigma DAC, switched-capacitor low-pass filter, programmable attenuator, and buffer. The buffer drives off-chip into a low-noise line driver configured as a 3-pole active filter to produce an overall low-noise high-drive TX output signal on a twisted pair line.


    • NOISE FLOOR: -144dBm/Hz
    • 8.8M TO 1.1MWords/s WORD RATE

    Technology: ADSL
    Package: TQFP 48 Pin
    Linux support: No

    external WWW:  Texas Instruments Incorporated : http://focus.ti.com/docs/prod/folders/print/afe1302.html http://focus.ti.com/docs/prod/folders/print/afe1302.html

    external PDF:  Texas Instruments Incorporated : http://www-s.ti.com/sc/ds/afe1302.pdf http://www-s.ti.com/sc/ds/afe1302.pdf

    If you are the producer of this chip and want to correct/update the presented information, please feel free to register for direct database access.
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