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  • ADI (Analog Devices Inc. ) : Eagle

    Eagle ADSL chipset - AD6482, AD6483, AD6484, AD6485, AD6680

    Analog Devices (ADI) Eagle Chipset The Eagle chipset is a highly integrated true two-chip solution that performs all ADSL physical layer functions needed to implement standards-compliant Category 1 and Category 2 modems with data rates of up to 12 MB/s downstream. The mixed-signal chip integrates the analog front end, ADSL line driver and receive filters. The digital chip houses the modem data-pump, DMT engine, framer and bus interfaces. Customers specify ATM UTOPIA, PCI or USB interface. Eagle is fully compliant with ITU standards G.992.1 (Annex A, B and C) for full-rate ADSL, G.992.2 for G.Lite, ANSI standard T1.413 Issue 2, and ETSI standard TR328. Software-based modem control and configuration allows for considerable flexibility, management and auto-configuration. Eagle supports very low power standby and D3 cold ADSL remote wakeup through an on-chip circuit that detects central office (CO) transmitted wake-up tones. On-chip digital timing recovery eliminates the need for a VCXO and allows Eagle to run off a single 12 MHz external crystal.

    The Analog Front End - AD6480 - can be paired with a range of ADSL data pumps to form complete ADSL modem chipsets:
    • AD6482: EAGLE UTOPIA for router applications
    • AD6483: EAGLE PCI for PCI NIC applications
    • AD6484: EAGLE USB for external USB modem applications
    • AD6485: EAGLE II for USB/ Ethernet bridge external modem applications.
    • AD6680: Integrated processor/DSL engine for Ethernet router applications.

    Linux driver support of Eagle chipset modems can be found at:

    Technology: ADSL
    Package: unknown 0 Pin
    Linux support: Yes

    external WWW: Analog Devices Inc. : http://www.analog.com/ http://www.analog.com/

    If you are the producer of this chip and want to correct/update the presented information, please feel free to register for direct database access.
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