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  • Advance (Advance Logic Corporation ) : ALC-ATM-105

    622 Sonet ATM UNI

    The CD block during receive, extracts the ATM cells from the synchronous payload envelope using HEC based cell delineation algorithm as per CCITT I.432 recommendation. The CD block performs a single bit error correction and multibit error detection. Idle/unassigned cells may be dropped by programming appropriate bits in the control registers. Cells with multibit errors are dropped. Single bit and multibit errors, and passed cells are accumulated for performance monitoring purposes. The ATM cell payloads are descrambled and are written into an internal programmable-length 4-cell FIFO. The CD block during transmit, inserts ATM cells into the synchronous payload envelope by extracting the cells from an internal programmable-length 4-cell FIFO. It computes and inserts the HEC value in the cell headers. If a complete cell is not available for transmit, idle/unassigned cells are automatically inserted into the transmit stream. The cell payload can be optionally scrambled under register control. There are three interfaces to the device:

    • 16 bit UTOPIA interface to the ATM layer clocked at 40 MHz
    • Microprocessor interface for control and status clocked at 33 MHz
    • 16 bit line interface to the physical media clocked at 40 MHz
    Key Features of the Device:
    • Supports ATM User-Network Interface at 622 Mbps (STS-12c/STM-4).
    • Implements ATM Forum UNI specification and ATM physical layer for B-ISDN according to CCITT recommendation I.432
    • Processes full duplex 622 Mbps, or 155 Mbps, or 51 Mbps data streams via a 16 bit parallel interface..
    • Provides ATM Forum's UTOPIA interface with FIFO buffering to the ATM layer
    • Provides a generic 8-bit microprocessor bus interface for configuration, control and status monitoring
    • Provides support for diagnostics and debug

    Technology: unknown
    Package: unknown 0 Pin

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